From Be-Ge Industri AB to Be-Ge Seating AB

From Be-Ge Industri AB to Be-Ge Seating AB

In order to clarify the company’s core business and affiliation within the Be-Ge Seating Division (BSD), as of May 1, 2019, a change of name is being made to Be-Ge Seating AB.

Organization number, visitor & postal address remains unchanged, we welcome you to Be-Ge Seatings Division’s new website:

The e-mail addresses within the entire Be-Ge Seating Division will be: [email protected]. Functions within Be-Ge Seating AB will be [email protected] (eg [email protected]). Existing e-mail addresses will remain until further notice.

The BE-GE, JANY, SAVAS, Sverigestolen, Ullmanstolen en Frapett brands will still be used for our products and services. The core values that have built the success of each brand will be kept and further developed within Be-Ge Seating Division.

We ask for understanding during this transitional period and look forward to a continued positive development of our business relations.

If you have any questions regarding supplier invoices, please contact our finance department at [email protected]. For questions regarding sales and orders, please contact our sales department at [email protected]

With best regards

Be-Ge Seating AB

Other company names in BSD from May 1, 2019.

The Danish company Be-Ge Jany A / S is changed to Be-Ge Seating A / S and the Dutch company Be-Ge Savas Seating B.V. becomes Be-Ge Seating B.V. In Belgium, the company name is Be-Ge Seating N.V. Our business in Germany continues under Be-Ge Seating GmbH as well as in the UK Be-Ge Seating UK Ltd. Be-Ge Frapett AB is responsible for the entire brand portfolio that deals with support & saddle chairs, office & surveillance chairs and sound absorbers.

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